The latest news from Canada and around the world Saturday. This file will be updated throughout the day. Web links to longer stories if available.
10:43 p.m. Thompson NDP MLA Danielle Adams is calling on the Manitoba government to increase COVID-19 testing sites in Thompson and northern Manitoba.
There is currently one testing site in Thompson, which is open from Monday to Friday. There are three testing sites in total in northern Manitoba, two others being in The Pas and Flin Flon.

On Monday, four additional COVID-19 cases were detected in the city of Thompson. Currently, there are seven active cases in the Thompson/Mystery Lake district. Last Wednesday, Adams sent a letter via email to the provincial Health Minister requesting a second testing site in Thompson.
“We have seen how COVID-19 can grow exponentially. The site currently shares a space with the walk-in clinic, and it only has one nurse doing testing,” said Adams on Tuesday.
Read more here:
10:33 p.m. State officials say an outbreak of coronavirus has infected 33 inmates at a prison in Fairbanks, causing the facility to go into quarantine for 14 days.
The Alaska Department of Corrections says 32 of the cases at the Fairbanks Correctional Center are men and one is a woman. All of those infected were housed in the general population. Other inmates are being tested for coronavirus, with results expected by Monday. The inmates with coronavirus are being isolated in a separate unit of the prison.
The facility serves northern Alaska and has male and female inmates, some of whom are serving sentences and others of whom are awaiting trial.
9:00 p.m. France confirmed a record 32,427 new coronavirus cases in the past 24 hours on Saturday as the country reimposed a state of emergency because of the pandemic.
France has been struggling with rising virus numbers for weeks, with concern growing about intensive care capacity in large cities such as Paris.
The new record follows the imposition of a strict night-time curfew between the hours of 9 pm and 6 am in Paris and eight other cities. During this time, residents are only allowed to leave their homes if they have a valid reason.
Paris authorities published a form late on Friday to be filled in and carried by anyone who has to go out during the curfew.
Exceptions include commuting to work, medical emergencies, care of relatives or children, or travel to the airport or railway station for long-distance travel.
Walking a dog is also allowed, but only within a radius of 1 kilometer (half mile) from home, a regulation reminiscent of France’s strict lockdown earlier this year.
A health state of emergency also came back into force across the country on Saturday, allowing the government to enforce restrictions by decree.
8:47 p.m. Conservative Leader Erin O’Toole praised Alberta Premier Jason Kenney for his province’s handling of COVID-19 as the two sat side-by-side during a livestream on Saturday, while neither leader wore a mask.
“I’m the easiest guy to hang out with because I can’t give it or get it from anyone for four months,” O’Toole said, answering Kenney’s question about how O’Toole was doing after he and his wife got the novel coronavirus last month.
Kenney’s United Conservative Party is holding a virtual annual general meeting from Nobleford, Alta., this weekend, and O’Toole said he stopped by for a visit because he was in the province and was on his way to meet with cattle industry representatives.
He and Kenney elbow-bumped instead of shaking hands, but sat at a table only a couple of feet away from each other, faces uncovered, for approximately ten minutes as they discussed the pandemic and energy policy and pipelines.
According to Alberta Health spokesman Tom McMillan, the province still advises everyone to wear masks when physical distancing isn’t possible.
He said that includes those who have already had COVID-19.
Read more here:
8:00 p.m. Two Toronto hospitals have declared outbreaks this week, as the city grapples with an increasing number of cases.
An outbreak in a hospital unit means there have been at least two COVID-19 cases within a 14-day period that could reasonably have been acquired in the hospital.
There are currently four units at St. Joseph’s hospital in the city’s west end with an outbreak status, while a fifth unit is under “heightened awareness,” meaning there has been a chance of exposure to the unit, said Unity Health spokesperson Robyn Cox.
The hospital has been managing a “significant number of confirmed COVID-19 cases,” Cox said. There are 7 active COVID-19 positive patients linked to the outbreaks, as well as 13 positive staff cases.
Read more here:
6:02 p.m.: The Ontario government is imposing visitation and absence restrictions on 28 long-term-care homes in York Region as the area moves to modified Stage 2 protocols to control COVID-19.
The come into effect on Monday. Visits will be restricted to essential visitors and caregivers, and short-term and temporary absences will only be allowed for medical or compassionate reasons.
1:51 p.m.: Movie theatres in New York state can reopen beginning next Friday with restrictions on audience size and other precautions in place, Gov. Andrew Cuomo said Saturday.
Theatres in New York City aren’t included, and counties must have a positivity rate below 2% on a 14-day average and have no “cluster zones.”
Audiences will be restricted to 25% of capacity with a maximum of 50 people per screen, Cuomo said at his briefing. Masks will be required and there will be assigned seating to ensure social distancing.
This week, the Global Cinema Federation sent an open letter to Cuomo urging him to let theatres reopen, saying Hollywood studios may continue delaying their remaining 2020 releases if theatres remain closed. The group asked Cuomo to adopt a county-by-county plan for theatre openings based on virus data, similar what it said California Gov. Gavin Newsom has done.
1:18 p.m.: The Manitoba High School Rodeo Association has held six rodeos to date this season, with strict guidelines in place the MHSRA has successfully remained free of any virus, meaning no cases of COVID-19 have shown up at their rodeos.
This result occurs in a time when events have been cancelled, such as the Twin Valley Rodeo. The Twin Valley Rodeo is usually held in the Esterhazy area most years, but not this year.
The MHSRA was able to continue having their events, partly due to the diligence that the MHSRA has performed to ensure the safety of the students.
Russell, MB hosted two of the six rodeos, as well as OakLake, Roblin and Souris also hosting; most of the 79 participants have been able to fully enjoyed their rodeo season.
12:29 p.m.: Americans may love Naples for its most famous export, pizza. But the governor of Italy’s southern region had choice words for the exported American holiday of Halloween as Naples buckles under surging coronavirus infections.
Campania Gov. Vincenzo De Luca blasted the holiday as a “stupid American extravagance” and a “monument to imbecility” in announcing a 10 p.m. curfew in Naples and the surrounding region over Halloween weekend.
De Luca has blamed “irresponsible” young people for Campania’s surge in infections, and this week closed schools for in-person learning for two weeks.
12:17 p.m.: A Saskatchewan police force says one of its officers has tested positive for COVID-19.
A news release from the Prince Albert Police Service says the officer’s positive diagnosis was confirmed on Friday.
But the force says the officer has been self-isolating at home since Monday and is following all public health protocols.
It did not release details about the officer’s identity or condition.
11:51 a.m.: Quebec is reporting 1,279 new COVID-19 cases today along with 15 more deaths linked to the novel coronavirus.
Health officials say the total number of infections in the province stands at 92,297, and 6,032 people have died from the virus.
Authorities say one death previously attributed to the virus was found to have been due to other causes.
The number of people in hospital increased by ten to 517 while the number of people in intensive care decreased by 2 for a total of 85.
Health Minister Christian Dube noted the rising indicators in a morning tweet.
He’s urging Quebecers to continue limiting their contacts in an effort to curb the spread of the virus.
“We have the power to break the wave, but we need the co-operation of all Quebecers,” he wrote.
11:32 a.m.: Ontario is reporting 805 new cases of COVID-19 today and 10 new deaths related to the virus.
The figures come as another Toronto-area public health unit imposes tighter restrictions on local long-term care homes.
The new ban on all but essential visitors and caregivers went into effect in York Region amid what Health Minister Christine Elliott calls an “alarming upward trend” in COVID-19 cases there.
The government issued a statement saying the only visitors now allowed at the facilities in the region north of Toronto are those deemed essential.
Effective Monday, and until further notice, long-term care home residents are also not allowed to have short-term and temporary absences for social or personal reasons.
10:53 a.m.: Ontario is reporting 805 cases of COVID-19 for Saturday, after more than 44,700 tests were completed.
In Toronto there are 374 new cases, 107 in Peel, 93 in York Region and 70 in Ottawa. There are 682 more resolved cases.
9:24 a.m.: Rural Jerauld County in South Dakota didn’t see a single case of the coronavirus for more than two months stretching from June to August. But over the last two weeks, its rate of new cases per person soared to one of the highest in the nation.
“All of a sudden it hit, and as it does, it just exploded,” said Dr. Tom Dean, one of just three doctors who work in the county.
As the brunt of the virus has blown into the Upper Midwest and northern Plains, the severity of outbreaks in rural communities has come into focus. Doctors and health officials in small towns worry that infections may overwhelm communities with limited medical resources.
And many say they are still running up against attitudes on wearing masks that have hardened along political lines and a false notion that rural areas are immune to widespread infections.
8:28 a.m.: The Vatican says someone who lives in the same Vatican hotel as Pope Francis has tested positive for coronavirus, adding to the 11 cases of COVID-19 among the Swiss Guards who protect him.
The Vatican said Saturday that the resident of the Domus Sanctae Marthae has moved out temporarily and is in isolation, as are all the people who came into direct contact with him.
8:23 a.m.: Public Health Sudbury & Districts released the results of a community survey on the health unit’s response to the first wave of COVID-19 in October.
The results of the evaluation were included in the agenda of the board of health’s monthly meeting held on Oct. 15 via Skype.
In total, 788 surveys were completed by community members in PHSD’s service area – about 92 per cent of respondents resided in Greater Sudbury, while 7.7 per cent of respondents lived in the Sudbury and Manitoulin districts.
In terms of overall satisfaction, almost three-quarters of respondents indicated that they were satisfied with Public Health’s response to the first wave, with 41.6 per cent indicating that they were very satisfied, and 31.2 per cent indicating that they were somewhat satisfied.
“The results indicate that the agency’s response and supporting processes and structures during the first wave of the pandemic were adequate, appropriate, and effective,” said the report published by Public Health.
8:21 a.m. (Updated 1:56 p.m.): There are 196,278 confirmed cases in Canada.
Quebec: 92,297 confirmed (including 6,032 deaths, 77,602 resolved)
Ontario: 63,713 confirmed (including 3,041 deaths, 54,686 resolved)
Alberta: 21,775 confirmed (including 288 deaths, 18,651 resolved)
British Columbia: 11,189 confirmed (including 251 deaths, 9,387 resolved)
Manitoba: 3,258 confirmed (including 38 deaths, 1,572 resolved)
Saskatchewan: 2,270 confirmed (including 25 deaths, 1,946 resolved)
Nova Scotia: 1,093 confirmed (including 65 deaths, 1,024 resolved)
New Brunswick: 297 confirmed (including 2 deaths, 203 resolved)
Newfoundland and Labrador: 287 confirmed (including 4 deaths, 271 resolved)
Prince Edward Island: 63 confirmed (including 60 resolved)
Yukon: 15 confirmed (including 15 resolved)
Repatriated Canadians: 13 confirmed (including 13 resolved)
Northwest Territories: 5 confirmed (including 5 resolved), 3 presumptive
Nunavut: No confirmed cases
Total: 196,278 (3 presumptive, 196,275 confirmed including 9,746 deaths, 165,435 resolved)
8:20 a.m.: Iran has announced that its death toll from the coronavirus has passed the milestone of 30,000 killed.
The announcement Saturday by Health Ministry spokeswoman Sima Sadat Lari saw Iran put its total death toll from the outbreak at 30,123 killed, with a total of 526,490 confirmed cases.
Iran has been struggling with the coronavirus since announcing its first cases in February.
8:19 a.m.: Chancellor Angela Merkel urged Germans to come together like they did in the spring to slow the spread of the coronavirus as the country posted another daily record of new cases Saturday.
“Difficult months are ahead of us,” she said in her weekly video podcast. “How winter will be, how our Christmas will be, that will all be decided in these coming days and weeks, and it will be decided by our behaviour.”
Meanwhile, new restrictions went into effect in several other European nations in an effort to staunch the resurgence of the pandemic.
In Paris and eight other French cities, restaurants, bars, movie theatres and other establishments were being forced to close no later than 9 p.m. to try to reduce contact among people. The country was deploying 12,000 extra police officers to enforce the new rules.
In Britain, a three-tier regional approach to battle the pandemic introduced by Prime Minister Boris Johnson this week went into effect, with each level bringing in progressively tighter restrictions.
On Saturday, tier-2 cities like London and York were subject to a ban on socializing with people from other households indoors, while the county of Lancashire joined Liverpool in tier 3 with the tightest restrictions.
Among other things, that means pubs have been forced to close and socialization with others is banned even in many outdoor settings.
In Northern Ireland a “circuit breaker” lockdown lasting four weeks came into force Friday in an attempt to quickly tamp down the spread of the virus. All pubs and restaurants must close except for takeaway services, and schools will close for two weeks for an extended half-term holiday.
Data from Friday showed that a further 136 people died in the U.K. within 28 days of testing positive for coronavirus, bringing the total official toll to 43,429.
On Friday, the World Health Organization warned that intensive care units in a number of European cities could reach maximum capacity in the coming weeks if the number of infections is not slowed.
In Germany, which was widely lauded for being able to rapidly slow the spread of the pandemic when it first broke out, the numbers have been climbing rapidly recently.
8:18 a.m.: Europe’s economy was just catching its breath from what had been the sharpest recession in modern history. A resurgence in coronavirus cases this month is a bitter blow that will likely turn what was meant to be a period of healing for the economy into a lean winter of job losses and bankruptcies.
Bars, restaurants, airlines and myriad other businesses are getting hit with new restrictions as politicians desperately try to contain an increase in infection cases that is rapidly filling up hospitals.
The height of the pandemic last spring had caused the economy of the 19 countries that use the euro to plunge by a massive 11.8 per cent in the April-June quarter from the previous three-month period. About 1.5 million more people registered as unemployed during the pandemic.
8:17 a.m.: Qingdao, a coastal city in eastern China, has completed coronavirus testing for its 11 million residents following an outbreak and found no new infections so far.
As of Friday, the 10.9 million samples came back negative.
Xue Qingguo, Qingdao’s deputy mayor, told state broadcaster CCTV that the risk of community transmission “is basically eliminated.”
The citywide testing was ordered after 13 people were infected in China’s first locally transmitted cases in over two months.
The source of the outbreak was traced to two dock workers who had tested positive for the virus in September but did not exhibit any symptoms at first.
8:16 a.m.: Gone are the days when President Donald Trump held forth daily at the White House podium flanked by members of his coronavirus task force. And the days when Vice-President Mike Pence and other task force officials would head to Trump’s office to brief him immediately after their meetings.
The White House won’t say when Trump last met with the task force.
In the week since he emerged from coronavirus isolation, Trump has demonstrated new determination to minimize the threat of the virus that has killed more than 215,000 Americans and complicated his chances of winning another four years in the White House.
“The light at the end of the tunnel is near. We are rounding the turn,” Trump told supporters Friday at an event in Fort Myers, Florida, one of many moments during a week of campaigning in which the president tried to play down the virus threat. “Don’t listen to the cynics and angry partisans and pessimists.”
8:15 a.m.: Australia’s Victoria state has reported just one new case of COVID-19 and no deaths as the city of Melbourne moves closer towards the easing of some lifestyle restrictions.
The state’s coronavirus death toll remains at 816 and the Australian total is 904.
Melbourne residents are expecting COVID-19 restrictions to be eased on Sunday but it is unclear how much freedom will be regained.
Victoria Premier Daniel Andrews has indicated the changes would be more “in the social space,” prompting pleas from business operators for relief from restrictions that once included an overnight curfew.
Saturday 8:13 a.m.: The Oregon Health Authority reported 418 new confirmed and presumptive COVID-19 cases and six additional deaths.
At the current rate of transmission, Oregon Health Authority officials project that new infections will increase “substantially” to 570 new reported cases a day and 40 hospitalizations.